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L | W | D | Date | TOPIC |
Part I: Basic Acoustics (Ch 1) (3 Lect) | ||||
M | 1/16 | MLK Day | ||
1 | 3 | T | 1/17 | *Lect: Introduction: We will study how loudspeakers work, both basic theory & hands-on lab experiments. *Anatomy of a loudspeaker *Review of Basic Acoustics (Pressure and Volume velocity, dB-SPL, etc.) *Acoustic Intensity & Energy density, Level in Decibels [dB] *Read Ch 1, p. 1-17 |
2 | R | 1/19 | *Lect: Derivation of the wave equation & Webster Horn equation *Impedance \(Z(s)\) and complex functions of complex frequency \(s\); Example of a 1\(^{st}\)-order lowpass filter; *Read Ch 2, p. 21-29 (Wave Equation) | |
3 | 4 | T | 1/24 | *Lect: Solutions of the wave equation *Impedance (i.e., Brune) as boundary conditions \(Z(s)=N(s)/D(s)\): Residue expansions *Inverse Laplace transform; Convolution of vectors \(\leftrightarrow\) product of polynomials *Read Ch 2, p. 37-48 *Homework A (Discuss on Lect 5; due on Tues 2/7 (Lect 7)) |
Part II: Circuit Analysis (Ch 3-4) (5 Lect, 1 Lab) | ||||
0 | R | 1/26 | *Lect: Mechanical impedance \(Z_m(s)=\) Force/Velocity: Mass, stiffness, resistance *Applications of the Laplace transform \(h(t) \leftrightarrow H(s)\): Fourier \(\cal F\) and Laplace \(\cal L\) Transforms; [e.g.: \(\delta(t) \leftrightarrow 1\), \(\delta(t-T) \leftrightarrow e^{-j\omega T}\); \(1\leftrightarrow 2\pi\delta(\omega)\), etc.] *Notes on the Laplace \(\delta(t)\) function (i.e., is \(u(t) \equiv \int_{-\infty}^t\delta(t)dt\) a function? pdf) *Brune impedance and its properties: Network Postulates:Causal; stable; stable inverse; Conservation of Energy (\(\Re Z \ge 0\)) *What is a Network analyizer? (MU box Demo) *Lab 0 (3081 ECEB): Define Lab partners *Read Ch 3, p. 65-84 | |
5 | 5 | T | 1/31 | *Lect: Acoustic Impedance: \(Z_a(s)=\)Pressure/volume-velocity *2-port Transmission Matrix \({\bf T}(s)\) (ABCD) *Comparison of the step function \(u(t)\) for \(\cal F\) & \(\cal L\) transforms *Inverse Laplace Transform \({\cal L}^{-1}\) definition: Residue Thm *Discuss HW-A *Read Ch 3, p. 84-94 |
6 | R | 2/2 | *Lect: Electrical impedance: \(Z_e(s)=\)Voltage/Current *Definition of, and conversion between Transmission matrix \({\bf T}(s)\) & Impedance matrix \({\bf Z}(s)\) *Meaning of \(A(s), B(s), C(s), D(s)\) *Brune impedance: Minimum phase (MP), positive real (PR) *Review: Ch 3 Transmission \(\Leftrightarrow\) Matrix: VanValkenburg & Pipes (pdf) & Network Postulates: Kim et al, Carlin; | |
7 | 6 | T | 2/7 | *Lect: Lumped approximations of Transmission lines and the \({\bf T}(s)\) (ABCD) method *Transfer functions: all-pole (IIR), all-zero (FIR) and all-pass (pol-zero) functions *Complex Functions of a complex variable *Time vs frequency domain impedance *Thevenin and Norton equivalence representation *HW-A DUE *Homework B (EvalResp.m) (Discuss on Lect 9; due on Tues 2/21 (Lect 11)) *Read Ch 3, p.106-118 |
8 1 | R | 2/9 | *Lab 1 (5072 ECEB): Setup of hardware; Learn how to make impedance measurements: Circuit Schematic *Install g7play software package *Construct circuit board to measure loudspeaker impedance, and debug it. *Read Lec 36, pp 87-90: An Invitation ... (pdf) | |
Part III: Electrodynamic Loudspeakers (Ch 6) | ||||
9 | 7 | T | 2/14 | *Lect: Analysis of the Twin-Tee network: How to put two Transmission networks in parallel Discussion of the dB & Bode plots (log-log frequency response plots) Review of lab setup with op-amp circuit & how to verify the setup is functional *Discuss HW-B/Lab exercise (Due Feb 21, in 1 week) *Read: Lab manual |
10 2 | R | 2/16 | *Lab 2 (5072 ECEB): *Measurement of 2-port RC (example from HWb) (EvalResp.m) *Read Ch 3, p. ?? | |
11 | 8 | T | 2/21 | *Lect: Hunt's 2-port impedance model of the loudspeaker *2-port networks: Transformer, Gyrator and transmission lines Moving coil vs. Balanced armature Loudspeaker Motional impedance (Hunt Chap. 2, p. 92-97 pdf) *Faraday's Law of Induction: differential & integral form; Ampere's Law & Ampere's Force Law *Reciprocity: PZT, Capacitance & Electrodynamic microphones *HW-B DUE *Homework C (Discuss on Lect 13; due on Thurs 3/2 (Lect 14)), SpeakerModel.m *Read Ch 3, p. 94-96 |
12 3 | R | 2/23 | *Lab 3 (5072 ECEB): Measure Mass-loaded speaker impedance \(Z_e(f)\) *Speaker Faced-Up vs. Faced-Down; \(Z_{mot}\) *First measurement of a loudspeaker input impedance *Read 107-112+ Lab 3 of Lab manual | |
13 | 9 | T | 2/28 | *Lect: Reciprocal and reversible 2-port networks (T and Z forms) *The Reciprocal calibrationmethod (i.e., cascaded loudspeakers) *Forward, backward and reflected traveling waves *Uniform Transmission lines & reflections at junctions *Discuss Homework C (Due 3/2) *Read ?? |
14 | R | 3/2 | *Lect: Sarah Robinson: Thevenin & Norton parameters of a loudspeaker: \(P_0(f), U_0(f), Z_0(s)\) *Review for Exam I, which covers Lectures 1-12, HW-A,B,C *HW-C DUE *Read ?? | |
15 | 10 | T | 3/7 | NO class: Exam I Tuesday March 7, @ 7-9PM Room: 3081 ECEB |
Part IV: Horns with Viscous & Thermal loss; Reciprocity (6 Lect, 2 Labs) | ||||
16 | R | 3/9 | *Lect: Acoustic transmission lines *Homework D: Acoustics & Transmission Lines (Discuss on Lect 17; due on Tues 3/28 (Lect 19)) *Read ?? | |
F S | 3/10-3/11 | [Engineering Open House] | ||
17 | 11 | T | 3/14 | *Lect: Reciprocity calibration of a loudspeaker *Discuss HW-D *Read Lab 3-4, p. 14-19 |
18 4 | R | 3/16 | *Lab 4 (5072 ECEB): Reciprocity calibration; verification with a probe microphone (Etymotic Research-7C) *Read: | |
12 | M F | 3/18 | Spring Break | |
19 | 13 | T | 3/28 | *Lect: Speaker Acoustic Thevenin calibration using 2 or more acoustics loads *Read: Thevenin model of source |
20 5 | R | 3/30 | *Lab 5 (5072 ECEB): Speaker Acoustic Thevenin calibration using 2 acoustics loads (Duct tape) *HW-D DUE *Homework E (Discuss on Lect 23; due on Tues 4/13 (Lect 24)); Starter files for middle ear simulation (txline.m, gamma.m) *Read: ABCD for Thevenin source | |
21 | 14 | T | 4/4 | *Spherical wave around a sphere; Radiation (wave) impedance of a sphere *Spectral Analysis and random variables: Resistor thermal noise (4kT) Noise Theory, About Nyquist *Wave equations and Newton's Principia (July, 1687); d'Alembert solutions in 1 and 3 dimensions of the wave equation *Read Solution to spherical wave equation |
22 | R | 4/6 | *Lab 6 (5072 ECEB): Measure the speaker radiation impedance \(Z_{rad}(s)\) and compare to the spherical radiator *Read: Radiation impedance of sphere | |
6 | 15 | T | 4/11 | *Lect: How does the middle ear work? Ans: The Middle ear is a transmission line. *Read: Rosowski, Carney, Peak (1988) The radiation impedance of the external ear of cat (pdf) *Discuss HW-E |
24 | R | 4/13 | Lect: Topics in Audio *Vacuum Tube guitar amplifiers pdf *Transmission Lines discussion; Monster speaker cable *Loudspeakers: lumped parameter models, waves on diaphragm *Throat and Radiation impedance of horn *HW-E DUE *Review for Exam II (HW-D,E) | |
25 | 16 | T | 4/18 | NO Class: Exam II Tuesday April 18, @ 7-9PM Room: 3081 ECEB |
Part V: Topics in Audio Engineering | ||||
26 | R | 4/20 | *Lab 7 (5072 ECEB): Choice of 1) Earbud in ear simulator, 2) Horn baffle, 3) AR-3 Acoustic suspension baffle *Work on lab report (Example LaTeX) | |
27 7 | 17 | T | 4/25 | *Lect: Baffling loudspeaker topics *Read Ch7, p. 289-320 |
28 | R | 4/27 | *Guest Lecture: Mead Killion CEO Etymotic Research, Elk Grove Village IL | |
29 | 18 | T | 5/2 | *Lab; Last class; Open discussion of Lab report content; what you learned this semester |
W | 5/3 | Instruction ends | ||
R | 5/4 | Reading Day | ||
F | 5/5 | Group lab reports due by midnight: Please give me both a paper and pdf copy. NO DOC files *Final Exams begin (Our final is the lab project presentation on loudspeakers) | ||
M | 5/8 | Group presentations 1:30-4:30pm (during officially scheduled Final Exam) |
(syms algebra: MassCal.m, calculation: calcHuntParams.m)
(syms algebra: RecipCal.m)
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